









Quito: Heart of the Andes

Quito - Ecuador
Quito is the capital of Ecuador. It was founded in 1534 on the ruins of an ancient Inca city.

Quito - Ecuador
Today, two million people live in Quito. It was the first city to be named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978

Quito - Ecuador
Quito is two cities in one in the center their is the Old Town a perfectly preserved Spanish Colonial City with cobblestone streets, large plazas and gilded churches.

Quito - Ecuador
Quito is distinguished as the best-preserved, least altered historic center in Latin America.

Quito - Ecuador
The city occupies a small basin in the great central plateau formed by the volcano Pichincha, the Puengasi ridge, and ridges formed by spurs from the eastern side of Pichincha.

Quito - Ecuador
The land upon which Quito is built is uneven and is traversed by two deep ravines

Quito - Ecuador
The public buildings are of the heavy Spanish type.

Quito - Ecuador
Facing on to the principal square are the cathedral,
the government palace, the archbishop's palace and the city hall.
Quito - Ecuador
Approximately 20 minutes south of the equator, Ecuador’s capital is situated in the lush green Guapulo Valley, surrounded by rugged volcanic Andes Peaks reaching close to 20,00 feet.

Quito - Ecuador
Quito is lively, scenic and cosmopolitan. Its one and a half million inhabitants tend to be helpful and friendly.

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